Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Miller time!

Two women walking down Church Street and one says to the other,

"Six bucks will get you nine beers."

The other woman says,

"That's it???"

Woman one says, "Yeah, tall boys."

Maybe you should turn around...

Girl to no one special:

"It's not the greatest things ever...

it's not the worst thing ever...

but compared to where we're headed,  it's not too bad."

Glad she wasn't a guy!

Big burly guy to his buddies:

"I thought she was dude for the longest time!

That's why I beat her like a man!"

Yeah, it's a beauty...

Girl to her friend:

"Do you like my ring?

It's not real but it's heavy!"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sounds like he did.

Two men walking down Church Street when one says to the other,

"Did you get hooked up?"

His response was, "Huh?"

The man reiterated "Did you get hooked up?"
Quietly to myself I said, "Sounds like he did."

Are we talking Pokemon or Star Wars?

A man and a woman were deep in conversation when the woman said, "I'm fighting the boss of Horab right now."

The man then said, "Yeah, he's really tough!"

Yes, it certainly is...

It was 7:30 AM and time for a little coffee.

We walked by a group of gentlemen who were chatting about the stock market when one of them broke away, set down his coffee can (for tips) and coffee in a cup. He began singing at the top of his lungs. It was not really quite on key. He was hoping for some spare change or stock market tips.

As we passed another man, who has the tough job of cleaning cigarette butts off Church Street, he said to me, "It's gonna be a long day."
